Saturday, July 23, 2011

july 23, 2011

I was pretty excited last night.  I picked the first 2 cucumbers of the season.  Roy likes them sliced up with onion in vinegar.  So one I sliced up for that and the other will be sliced up and ate as is. 

This week was Vacation Bible School at church.  It was very tiring, but extremely fun and rewarding!  The kids were fantastic and so much fun.  We all had so much fun and learned so much.  The songs were fun and the Bible verse was encouraging.    The bible with fire in it was a HUGE hit with the kids.  Left a big impression on them and the remembered that the bible has fire in it.  I was so exhausted I could barely make it home and fall into bed by Wednesday night.  But, you know what....I'd do it all was so much fun.  Oh the water balloon fight was fun!  the kids wanted to get me wet and they succeeded.  I was drenched!  My how fun that was.  My little partner for it, Meadow, was even more wet than I was and she loved it.  She is a special young lady, they all are.  May God richly bless them all and all the little ones! 

I had every intention in sleeping in today.  But at 7:30 a.m. I'm sitting here writing this!  So, when I'm done with this, I will go outside and work in the yard while it is still cool out.  Then I think this afternoon I'll make a pie...try to perfect my pie crust making.  How does rhubarb sound?  I have a lot of rhubarb in my garden, so I'm gonna try making the crust and make a rhubarb pie for our dinner tomorrow.  I think I might try freezing the rhubarb too, before it goes to seed.  I'm going to make some bread today so we can have garlic bread for our spaghetti dinner tomorrow.  Amber and the girls and a friend and her children from church and probably Levi and Brooke and the baby will be here for dinner.  So...the menu is homemade spaghetti and spaghetti sauce, homemade garlic bread, green beans, and homemade rhubarb pie.  Pictures?  I'll TRY.  I'm not very good at it.  I get so involved in my cooking and baking, I forget!  But I'll try.  

Well I better get off and get in the yard while it is still somewhat cool outside.  There are weeds that are taunting me and grass needing cut!  

Until later my friends.  Recipes will be posted...and hopefully pictures too.   

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