Monday, April 18, 2011

this past weekend 4/16 & 4/17

Saturday I needed to bake bread as we are out of bread in our house.  Well, my daughter and grandson came by.  Needless to say I never got bread made.  Instead I spent time with my grandson and daughter which I thoroughly loved!  So I thought I'd get it done on Sunday!  WRONG.  Woke up feeling awful.  couldn't just stay home as we (two daughters and myself and couple of other girls) had a puppet performance at church.  Then I had my 3 kids come to my house for lunch.  So I made 2 lbs worth of meatloaf, and mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans and Kansas dirt pudding for dessert!  Then we were in charge of the snacks for our Life Group Sunday night at church!  So I made 2 fruit pizzas and a couple gallons of punch.  So after life Group last night I was exhausted.  I was functioning of 3 hours of sleep thanks in a huge part to the body aches, chills, and fever. 

Today here I my recliner with a blanket on me and I'm shivering cause I'm cold and it is not cold outside.  My babies (dogs) are lying on my blanket, my lap.  Needless to say, I'm home sick.  My body hurts.  Feels like I've been working out at a great big pace for a week!  every single muscle hurts.  Temp of 101.4.  So I thought since I hurt too bad to sleep, and need to find something to keep my mind busy, I'm going to make out my menu for my once a month cooking.  I'm going to be doing it all by myself since Amber will be in South Africa and Ivy doesn't have room in her freezer yet.  I want to do it so I have food to feed the granddaughters for the 3 weeks and don't have to cook morning and evening!    I hate thinking about doing it since I feel like death warmed over!  But it'll be nice to have it ready and available when I'm busy with a 4 year old and a 6 year old!  Gosh...I get exhausted just thinking about it! 

I will post when I get the menu ready and when I will be doing the cooking!  Ha!  Anyone want to join me??? 


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