Monday, September 5, 2011

Fun weekend

This was an amazing weekend for me!  I feel so selfish saying that, but it was!  Saturday morning we got up and left!  we just took off, got in the van and just starting driving!  We headed south.  By lunch time we were in Dodge City.  Hubby and I both enjoy history so this was something we would enjoy. 

the bottom pictures are of a town that has a fence that is made up of whirly gigs.  Thought that was so cool, 

Then Sunday of course there was church and then we had Amber and family and my mother join us for lunch here.  Lunch was pork roast, potatoes and carrots and gravy.  I also picked beans and my mother and I snapped beans as we had a fun conversation . 

Today...well at 9 a.m. Amber and Rilynn and Baleigh and I went horseback riding.  A lady that Amber works with offered to have us come out and ride.  It was so much fun.  Baleigh loved the donkey and led "Sweet pea" around all morning. 

Rilynn rode Emma for awhile.  When Emma did the "shake" Rilynn lost it.  She cried and was so scared and wanted to get off.  So...then it was grandma's turn.  Grandma rode Emma.  Her stirrups were a little too short, so I just rode around without my feet in the stirrups. :) 

Now it was grandmas turn...

Stirrups were too short for me, but I made due.  I sure loved it...It has been over 30 years since I rode a horse, but it was so fun.   I doubt that I could have done it 127 lbs ago!!! 

Then after the horse back riding, we came home and canned.  Canned beans...5 qts.  Canned pickles 9 qts, salsa 2 qts, 25 pints of jalapeno jelly.  This was all for Amber.  She is learning how to do canning. 
So by the time that was all done, this grandma was pooped.  I still had laundry to do.  

so...with the trip, church, lunch, and horseback riding and spending the day with 2 granddaughters and eldest daughter...I had a fantastic 3 day weekend.  If only my other 2 kids and grandkids could have joined us, then my weekend would have been perfect in every way! 

Oh yes...almost forgot!  I made ham salad sandwich spread.  Levi...come get your share!!!!!!  Had baked a ham last weekend and made green bean soup and what was leftover, used to make ham salad spread!  Yummmmm 

Okay...all for now.  Until next time

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