Sunday, May 15, 2011

May Post

I have been so occupied that I haven't been able to post anything here.  Our daughter has been in South Africa since the end of April...and we have had her two daughters!  We know now why parents were made to be young!  This has been so exhausting!  But we have had some fun too.  I haven't really had much time to do much cooking or baking! 

I did though one day make a casserole that I had made when my kids were little.  I had everything on hand and when I saw the hot dogs in my fridge, I remembered that recipe.  It is called "Penny Supper" 

6 hot dogs sliced into "pennies"
4 cups cooked potatoes, diced
3 T onion, chopped
1/4 cup butter, melted
1 tsp mustard
1 can cream of mushroom soup
salt and pepper to taste

combine the hot dogs, potatoes, onion, and butter.  Place in a baking dish. 

Mix together the remaining ingredients and gently fold into the hot dog mixture.  Cover with aluminum foil and bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes. 

So simple, and so good.  I made a batch of biscuits to go with it, and served a side salad and we also did a veggie   such an easy quick supper.  WOW did the granddaughters love it too. 

This was my weekend to make muffins for church.  I will post those recipes later this week.  I made 4 different kinds....banana/chocolate chip; peach muffins; raspberry muffins, and blueberry muffins. 

will post more later this week.  Nighty night!!!

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