Saturday, July 16, 2011

Bread Starter

I'm so didn't work.  Just sat there...didn't ferment at all.  So...I will try another one.  This new one has to "ferment" for 10 - 14 days, so I guess I'll have to be patient!  Darn it anyway!  I was hoping to try it out and at least make a loaf or two of bread.  I need to have a warm place to sit this and let it "ferment".  Think I'll sit it on top of my refrigerator!  Since my range is electric, can't use the pilot light for it.  The top of the refrigerator is the warmest place I can think of. 

This morning I got up early, well early for me on a Saturday, and hung clothes on the clothesline, pulled some weeds, and watered the garden some more.  I also did "poop" patrol in the backyard.  Then it got too hot to be outside, so came inside to do some things.    I finished putting recipes into my notebooks and did another load of laundry.  I shredded 5 lbs of cheese for our salads and casseroles this week.  I washed the food processer and then I chopped up some reese's peanut butter cups and some baby ruth candy for toppings for our ice cream.  Again I washed the food processer. 

For dinner we had the dreaded left overs.  Smothered steak, baked beans, potatoes, and salad.  Then I made a trip to Wal-Mart for supplies for my muffins!  Of course, social person me, I saw several people that I know and don't get to chat with much, so had to take advantage and chat for a bit.  When I finally got back home, I started making my muffins.  I got the pumpkin ones whipped up and in the oven as I'm typing this.  I had to take a break and sit down and rest.  I'll post the pictures and the update of the baking later on this evening. 

Tomorrow for lunch I'm considering making Indian Tacos.  I'll post the recipe later too.  Been several years since we had them and I'm kind of hungry for them.  although I can't eat the shell, but the rest of it I can.  I'll serve with lettuce, tomatoes, onions, guacamole, cheese, sour cream.  For dessert, I am thinking of Rhubarb Pie.  I need to hone my pie crust skills.  After the muffins are done, I'll see how I feel and might make the pie.  If I had room in my freezer, I'd freeze some rhubarb, but I don't have the room.  I've never tried canning it....Mmmm 

Well muffins are done.  sorry, no pictures.  I got too busy and forgot to take pictures.  I can take pictures of the end product I guess.  Wow, does my back hurt!  Guess I should have rested more!  I'll be fine in the morning though! many muffins.  Also made pumpkin/chocolate Chip bread and applesauce nut bread!  so..should have enough to feed the masses at church tomorrow. 

I also mixed up my bread starter and got it "sitting" 14 days from now I should know how it is going to work out! 

The Peanut butter and jelly muffins, the jelly was strawberry.  I had it opened in the fridge already, so decided to use it.  The Chocoholic muffins sure lives up to its name, baking chocolate, chocolate chips, melted togther then add chocolate chips added to batter right before baking.  For the applesauce bread...I had some homemade applesauce that had cinnamon in it.    I cut down the cinnamon in the recipe, so it won't be so overpowering. 

Will post recipes and pictures tomorrow. 

Love to all

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